Thursday, November 29, 2007

Like a rock...

Well, it's been 9 days since the last post and we've reached a MAJOR milestone. Are you sitting down? We have a slab! The P.O.T.S party...Party On The Slab...which we've been planning for over a year will now actually happen. I've included a few pics below of the slab going in and the pump truck they had to use to place the concrete. Don't worry, you'll see more of the pump truck as the ICF blocks get filled...more on that below. I'll put a few more up of the completed slab in a couple of days. A few interesting points of note. It took 6 full trucks of concrete to provide all the concrete needed for the slab....this does not include all the concrete that was used to pour the piers that are under the slab. The ICF block will begin getting stacked next week. We're going to the contractor showroom this week to look at flooring since our house has to be built differently than most others. On wood frame construction, you simply frame up the whole house at one time. With ICF, you stack the blocks for the first floor and then pour the walls full of concrete...ICF contractor (Matt) leaves. Framers show up and put the floor trusses between the 1st and 2nd floor. These trusses give the ICF contractor a platform to then stack the blocks for the second floor. Once the second floor blocks are stacked and poured full of concrete, the framers come back and put in the floor trusses for the 3rd floor. Matt (ICF guy) comes in and stacks the blocks for the 3rd floor and pours them full of concrete. At this point, Matt / ICF is done. You can see that there will be A LOT of concrete in the house. Once Matt and his guys are done the framers come in and put on the roof, frame up all the inside walls, install the windows, and begin drying the house in. But I'm jumping ahead. BONUS: I was able to grab a picture of the elusive Gail...the project manager responsible for building our house. Great woman to have on your side when dealing with sub-contractors. Enjoy the pics...feel free to post comments!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your pregnancy! Have you been told how long you need to gestate? Baby Westie Bornstein was supposed to be born after just 3 months but boy was he stubborn! After 9 months, he still refused to join the world!

John Ridgway said...

Now things are starting to happen! Baby Ridge was suppose to take around 3 to 4 months and took just under 9 months.